Fennel Powder
Fennel is a hardy herb. The plant fennel is green that grows up to 8 feet tall. It is erect with hollow steam and 16 inch long feathery leaves and yellow flowers. India produces more than half of the world’s output of fennel.
Fennel is highly aromatic. It is so flavorful that it is used in most cookery.
SCIENTIFIC NAME : Foeniculum vulgare
FAMILY : Apiaceae
The origin of the fennel is as old as history is known to man. As per Greek mythology, when Prometheus had stolen fire from Mount Olympus he had used a stalk of fennel to carry ember of fire to the earth. The story proves in itself that the fennel is as old as the myth.
It is widely cultivated all over the world.
Fennel is rich in nutrition. It provides 345-kilo calories per 100 grams. It is a good source of dietary fiber, protein, dietary minerals, iron, calcium, manganese, and magnesium as well as vitamin B. it provides more than 20% of the daily value listed above.
Fennel powder is widely used for culinary purposes. It also offers many health benefits along with antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects.
In many parts of India, fennel leaves are used as leafy vegetables. Fresh leaves are cooked, served, and consumed as part of the diet. Roasted fennel frits are used as Mukhwas that works as an after-meal digestive and breath freshener.